2 minutes
Hugo, Wercker and Github Pages
From Hugo for Github Pages
Recently I’ve started using Hugo to build my personal homepage and blog while serving it using Github Pages. First I started out by updating my Github Pages repository using a deploy script within the Hugo file repository. Of course that’s not the way to go so instead I’ve been building a deployment pipeline using Wercker.
Create Github repositories (Hugo & Github Pages)
Install Hugo in the Hugo repository
Add Hugo repository to Wercker
- Add the gh-pages to the deploy pipeline
- Add the Github personal access token to the deploy pipeline
Trigger a build by pushing a commit into the Hugo repository
- Github Repository for the Hugo files
- Github Repository for the Github page (username.github.io)
- Github personal access token
- Wercker account
- Github Repository for the Wercker buildstep
- Codacy account
Wercker build step
Within Wercker there are several build steps already created which you can use for deploying to Github Pages. I however decided to build my own based on uetchy/gh-pages in order to have more control over the script actually running the deployment. You’ll need a Github Repository with the following files to build and deploy your own build steps.
- run.sh
- step.yml
- wercker.yml
The run.sh
will contain the script performing the deployment to Github Pages, step.yml
contains the build step specific information like the name and all properties and last the wercker.yml
file contains the build and deployment steps for the build step itself. The wercker.yml
eventually pushes the step into the “Steps Store” in Wercker.
In case you’re interested, my build step can be found in this Github Repository
The wercker.yml file:
box: debian
# Steps make up the actions in your pipeline
# Read more about steps on our dev center:
# https://devcenter.wercker.com/development/steps/
- install-packages:
packages: git curl
- script:
name: download hugo theme
cwd: themes/
code: git clone https://github.com/rhazdon/hugo-theme-hello-friend-ng.git hello-friend-ng
- arjen/hugo-build:
basedir: "/"
version: "0.53"
theme: hello-friend-ng
flags: --buildDrafts=true
- install-packages:
packages: git curl
- melvincornelissen/gh-pages:
token: $GIT_TOKEN
domain: mlvn.io
repo: coolbluemelvin/coolbluemelvin.github.io
path: public